I am having trouble recording and/or listening back to audio during sessions.
It is advisable to check the microphone before each session for dust and other debris that could obstruct the opening. You can locate the microphone at the top right border of your device.
Which Apple devices are supported?
Speakaboo is tested on iPad 4, iPad Air and newer and runs fine on recent iPad mini's and iPad Pro's. We do not limit the use of Speakaboo on older tablets, but the results will be mixed at best, especially when recording audio. For the best experience, we recommend you use the most recent version of iOS available for your device.
Speakaboo requires plenty of space to store the audio. Devices with 32GB of storage or more are preferable. 16GB devices will work fine, but you have to keep an eye on the usage.
What will Speakaboo cost?
Our efforts are focused on creating a viable tool for professionals. Our aim is to create a program that is it both well supported and affordable. Pricing options will be explored in 2017, but for the foreseeable future Speakaboo will be free to use.
I would like to request a specific language package, how can I do this?
You can use the contact form on our website if you would like to request a new language or assist in creating the necessary content. Currently we are focused on getting version one out of the door, but adding extra languages is definitely on our to-do list.
Will you support Android devices?
Currently we are developing and testing Speakaboo on iOS devices. Once our first version of the program is fully operational, we will evaluate Android tablet support.
Will Speakaboo be made available for general use?
Speakaboo was designed with professional speech therapists in mind. Although we will make our software available in general app stores, it is not intended for use without therapist's involvement. The program can aid professionals, but not replace them.
Why is the website and the manual in English only?
Currently our small team is not able to support multi-language communication. Sorry.
Can I use Speakaboo on my iPhone?
At the moment Speakaboo runs only on iPad's.
Where can I download Speakaboo?
We're available in the App Store. Click the button bellow to visit our iTunes page.